Product Info
MIWHADANG COSMETICS develops and manufactures functional cosmetics and health food.
MIWHADANG COSMETICS develops and manufactures functional cosmetics and health food.
무궁화추출물을 비롯하여 궁합이 좋은 식물원료들을 당사의 노하우로 제조가공하여 주름 및 미백기능성 스킨, 로션, 크림, 바디크림, 앰플류, 컴팩트쿠션, 자외선차단용 선크림 등을 생산하고 있습니다.
A lot of media in Korea and the celebrities selected MUGUNGSENG skin care. 150 million years, the strongest hyeonhwasung Hibiscus! Clear and transparent skin alive! We realize beautiful skin science which is the desire of all.
샴푸, 헤어 및 두피관련 제품으로 순한 식물성 원료들과 깔끔한 세정력과 보습을 주는 탈모기능성 샴푸 및 토닉, 새치커버용 염색약, 폼클렌저 등을 생산하고 있습니다.
Hair Green is a functional brand created for hair loss and scalp trouble, which is a problem of modern people. Functional shampoo, hair tonic, conditioner, natural hair dye with less stimulation of scalp, hair oil essence which keeps hair shiny and healthy.