MIWHADANG COSMETICS develops and manufactures functional cosmetics and health food.
MIWHADANG COSMETICS develops and manufactures functional cosmetics and health food.
특허업체들의 치열한 각축장인 각국의 발명대전에서
전문가들의 찬사, 그 결과의 가치를 얻어내기까지 수십년의
시간이 걸렸지만 이에 안주하지 않고 더욱 정진하겠습니다.
Bio-venture company awarded 23 gold medals and special prize in 8 major international invention fairs. We have acquired international patents in South Korea, the United States, China, and France, followed by 12 countries from eight major international inventions held in eight countries including Nuremberg of Germany, Pittsburgh of the United States, Warsaw of Poland, Romania and Kuala Lumpur of Malaysia.
특허업체들의 치열한 각축장인 각국의 발명대전에서 전문가들의 찬사,
그 결과의 가치를 얻어내기까지 수십년의 시간이 걸렸지만 이에 안주하지 않고
더욱 정진하겠습니다.
Bio-venture company awarded 23 gold medals and special prize in 8 major international invention fairs. We have acquired international patents in South Korea, the United States, China, and France, followed by 12 countries from eight major international inventions held in eight countries including Nuremberg of Germany, Pittsburgh of the United States, Warsaw of Poland, Romania and Kuala Lumpur of Malaysia.
Patents for invention acquired in the United .States, South Korea, China, and France.
미국/한국/중국/프랑스 등
해외 발명특허획득Patents for invention acquired in the United .States, South Korea, China, and France.
First prize in the greatest inventor awards
of Taiwan
10대 걸출발명가 대상First prize in the greatest inventor awards
of Taiwan
Awarded by KIPO(Korean Intellectual Property Office) in Korean Patent Technology Award
특허청장상Awarded by KIPO(Korean Intellectual Property Office) in Korean Patent Technology Award
Special award by Moldova chemical
폴란드 (EURO)
국제발명대전 금상Special award by Moldova chemical
Special award by the sponsor
of inventors in Iran
몰도바 화학아카데미
연구기관 특별상Special award by the sponsor
of inventors in Iran
Special award by the association
of invention in Japan
이란 발명연구자 후원기관
특별상Special award by the association
of invention in Japan
Special prize by Warsaw university of Technology and Science in Poland
일본 발명진흥협회
특별상Special prize by Warsaw university of Technology and Science in Poland
Special prize by Association of invention of Indonesia
미국 피츠버그
국제발명전 금상Special prize by Association of invention of Indonesia
Special prize by UUI university of science in Indonesia
국제발명전 금상 Special prize by UUI university of science in Indonesia
First prize in International inventor competition in Warsaw, Poland
폴란드 바르샤바
기술과학대학교 특별상First prize in International inventor competition in Warsaw, Poland
Special prize by TIIAWA
of Taiwan
발명협회 특별상Special prize by TIIAWA
of Taiwan
Second prize
in SIIF Korea
UUI과학대학교 특별상Second prize
in SIIF Korea
First prize in International inventor competition of Bangkok, Thailand
TIIAWA협회 특별상First prize in International inventor competition of Bangkok, Thailand
Special prize by Association
of invention in Croatia
국제발명대전 은상Special prize by Association
of invention in Croatia
Special prize by Association
of invention in Iraq
태국 방콕
국제발명전 금상Special prize by Association
of invention in Iraq
First prize in International inventor
competition in Malaysia
발명협회 특별상First prize in International inventor
competition in Malaysia
Special prize by Association of study innovation in Malaysia
이라크 발명협회 특별상Special prize by Association of study innovation in Malaysia
Special prize by Association of invention
in Taiwan
말레이시아 국제발명전 금상Special prize by Association of invention
in Taiwan
Special prize in International inventors’ award in Nuremberg, Germany
말레이시아 연구혁신협회 특별상Special prize in International inventors’ award in Nuremberg, Germany
First prize in Korean inventor award(manufacturing sector)
독일 뉘렌베르그 국제발명전 특별상First prize in Korean inventor award(manufacturing sector)
Patents for invention acquired in the United .States, South Korea, China, and France.
미국/한국/중국/프랑스 등
해외 발명특허획득Patents for invention acquired in the United .States, South Korea, China, and France.
First prize in the greatest inventor awards
of Taiwan
10대 걸출발명가 대상First prize in the greatest inventor awards
of Taiwan
Awarded by KIPO(Korean Intellectual Property Office) in Korean Patent Technology Award
특허청장상Awarded by KIPO(Korean Intellectual Property Office) in Korean Patent Technology Award
Special award by Moldova chemical
폴란드 (EURO)
국제발명대전 금상Special award by Moldova chemical
Special award by the sponsor
of inventors in Iran
몰도바 화학아카데미
연구기관 특별상Special award by the sponsor
of inventors in Iran
Special award by the association
of invention in Japan
이란 발명연구자 후원기관
특별상Special award by the association
of invention in Japan
Special prize by Warsaw university of Technology and Science in Poland
일본 발명진흥협회
특별상Special prize by Warsaw university of Technology and Science in Poland
Special prize by Association of invention of Indonesia
미국 피츠버그
국제발명전 금상Special prize by Association of invention of Indonesia
Special prize by UUI university of science in Indonesia
국제발명전 금상 Special prize by UUI university of science in Indonesia
First prize in International inventor competition in Warsaw, Poland
폴란드 바르샤바
기술과학대학교 특별상First prize in International inventor competition in Warsaw, Poland
Special prize by TIIAWA
of Taiwan
발명협회 특별상Special prize by TIIAWA
of Taiwan
Second prize
in SIIF Korea
UUI과학대학교 특별상Second prize
in SIIF Korea
First prize in International inventor competition of Bangkok, Thailand
TIIAWA협회 특별상First prize in International inventor competition of Bangkok, Thailand
Special prize by Association
of invention in Croatia
국제발명대전 은상Special prize by Association
of invention in Croatia
Special prize by Association
of invention in Iraq
태국 방콕
국제발명전 금상Special prize by Association
of invention in Iraq
First prize in International inventor
competition in Malaysia
발명협회 특별상First prize in International inventor
competition in Malaysia
Special prize by Association of study innovation in Malaysia
이라크 발명협회 특별상Special prize by Association of study innovation in Malaysia
Special prize by Association of invention
in Taiwan
말레이시아 국제발명전 금상Special prize by Association of invention
in Taiwan
Special prize in International inventors’ award in Nuremberg, Germany
말레이시아 연구혁신협회 특별상Special prize in International inventors’ award in Nuremberg, Germany
First prize in Korean inventor award(manufacturing sector)
독일 뉘렌베르그 국제발명전 특별상First prize in Korean inventor award(manufacturing sector)
미국 특허
한국 특허
프랑스 특허
중국 특허
무궁화추출 특허
미국 OTC 등록
서울국제발명전 동상
대한민국특허기술대전 특허청장상
말레이시아 국제발명전 금상
서울 SIIF 국제발명전 은상
대한민국특허기술대전 특허청장상
대만 10대걸출발명가 대상
폴란드 바르샤바국제발명전 슈퍼금상
인도네시아 UUI과학대학교특별상
인도네시아 국제발명전 금상
독일 뉘렌베르그 국제발명전 특별상
이란발명가후원협회 특별상
세계발명가대상 에디슨 대상
유럽(EURO)국제발명전 금상
미국 피츠버그국제발명전 금상
태국 방콕 국제발명전 금상
폴란드 발명협회 특별상
미국 특허
한국 특허
프랑스 특허
중국 특허
무궁화추출 특허
미국 OTC 등록
서울국제발명전 동상
대한민국특허기술대전 특허청장상
말레이시아 국제발명전 금상
서울 SIIF 국제발명전 은상
대한민국특허기술대전 특허청장상
대만 10대걸출발명가 대상
폴란드 바르샤바국제발명전 슈퍼금상
인도네시아 UUI과학대학교특별상
인도네시아 국제발명전 금상
독일 뉘렌베르그 국제발명전 특별상
이란발명가후원협회 특별상
세계발명가대상 에디슨 대상
유럽(EURO)국제발명전 금상
미국 피츠버그국제발명전 금상
태국 방콕 국제발명전 금상
폴란드 발명협회 특별상